
Fractional CMO Services

What is a Fractional CMO?

A Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is an experienced marketing executive who provides C-level leadership and strategy on a part-time, as-needed basis. Instead of hiring a full-time CMO, businesses can tap into the expertise of a Fractional CMO without the long-term commitment and overhead costs.

CMO Done B2Better

  • Customized Strategy Development: Our Fractional CMOs work closely with you to understand your business goals, challenges, and opportunities. Together, we’ll develop a marketing strategy that aligns with your vision and drives results.

  • Ongoing Collaboration: We believe in constant communication and collaboration. Our Fractional CMOs will become an integral part of your team, participating in key meetings and providing regular updates.

  • Tactical Execution: It’s not just about strategy. Our Fractional CMOs can also help oversee the execution of marketing initiatives, ensuring everything runs smoothly and objectives are met.

B2Better Fractional CMO Services

Benefits of a Fractional CMO


Expertise on Demand

Access top-tier marketing expertise when you need it, without the commitment of a full-time executive salary.


Cost Effective

Significantly reduce overheads by paying only for the time and skills you require. No more paying for full-time benefits or lengthy contracts.


Strategic Insight

Benefit from a fresh, external perspective that brings innovative ideas and proven strategies tailored for your business.



As your business needs change, so can the involvement of your Fractional CMO. Scale up or down based on your unique requirements.


Fast Integration

With their broad experience, Fractional CMOs can quickly assess your business landscape, integrating seamlessly into your team and hitting the ground running.


Trained Up

Don’t have the time (or experience) in marketing yourself? a Fractional CMO can assist in hiring, training up and developing processes to make your marketing engine hum.


Test & Pivot

Test new strategies and campaigns under the guidance of an expert, minimizing potential pitfalls and maximizing ROI.

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